Jun 21Liked by April Line

I think I don’t have as strong of a reaction to “daughter” as you do, but I definitely so resonate with all of the bits about not wanting my body parts to determine really anything about how I move through the world and how others move around me. I hope for a future where folks are just free to do what makes their hearts happy.

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I wish and hope for that, too.

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My female progeny turned out to be a pretty bad-ass ma’am, possibly with my help, possibly without it. She has surrounded herself with other bad-ass females and non-binary pals who come in all manner of packages. Her 9-week old AFAB wears my favorite onesie “Pee on the Patriarchy”. She would have put it on her AMAB if she had given birth to one😃 She bought my husband a shirt that he wears around Wilpo, to many raised eyebrows, Husband, Dad, Feminist. Said man bought she and I matching Mickey Mouse Pride shirts when he had to go to Disneyland for an offsite last fall. She’s raising her dad and brother right!

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I love all of this! Thank you for sharing!

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